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-l.. PUERTO VERANO - Dondardo - Buenos Aires, Argentina l960

-2. URNAS/METAL - MBLK Editions - Buenos Aires l96l

-3. UAMPUNGO - Nuevos Horizontes - Tupiza, Bolivia l96l

-4. LAS ESDRUJULAS - La Lengua Viperina - Lima, Perú l96l

-5. TRES POEMAS - Breve Follaje - Lima, Perú l96l

-6. OOOO - Alerta Gráfica - Iquitos, Perú l96l

-7. TZANTZAS - Universidad Central - Quito, Ecuador l962

-8. ES UNA OLA - Editorial Sudamericana - Buenos Aires l968

-9.•Ñ - The Vanishing Rotating Triangle - New York l970

10.•LATINAMERICA Y YO TENEMOS UN NIDITO EN SUIZA - The Vanishing Rotating Triangle - New York l970

ll..•DISLOCACIÓN Y RELOCACIÓN DE MONUMENTOS -.The Vanishing Rotating Triangle - New York l97l

l2.•NEGACION Y CONSUMO EN LA CULTURA - Texto Situacionista -The Vanishing Rotating Triangle - New York, l972

l3.SELF-HIPNOSIS - T.V.R.T./Viper's Tongue - New York l975

l4. THE MILK OF AMNESIA - C.E.P.A. & The Visual Studies Workshop, Buffalo, N.Y. l985

l5. 27 MOLINOS - La Lengua Viperina - New York l986

l6. LIBRO QUEMADO/BURNT BOOK - One-of-a-kind edition, NYC

l7. Libro Quemado/Burnt Book -Nexus Press, Atlanta, 1995

l8. Che/Loro - Book/Installation - La Lengua Viperina - New York 1997

l9. SOLIDARIDAD - Book - Viper's Tongue - New York 2000

20. ERNESTO CHE GUEVARA IN BOLIVIA: A Chronology - Viper's Tongue - New York 2001

21. S(H)ELF PORTRAIT -Viper's Tongue - Buenos Aires 2008

22. NATURAL HISTORY -Viper's Tongue - Buenos Aires 2010

23. THE GHOSTS OF ÑANCAHUAZÚ -Viper's Tongue - Buenos Aires 2010

24. EL VIENTO -arte-blogarte.org - Buenos Aires 2015

25. WORDS PHRASES SENTENCES - Viper's Tongue, arte-blogarte.org, Henrique Faria New York & Buenos Aires, 2016

26. LA FORMA - arte-blogarte.org - Buenos Aires 2018

27. THE CATHERWOOD PROJECT: Incidents of visual reconstructions and other matters - Leandro Katz and Jesse Lerner - University of New Mexico Press, 2018

28. BEDLAM DAYS: The Early Plays of Charles Ludlam and The Ridiculous Theatrical Company - Leandro Katz . With texts by Stefan Brecht . Viper's Tongue Books, 2019

29. LOS DANZANTES - Paradiso Ediciones, Colección Narrativa, novela, 2022


Three Books
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•Structure: James Carpenter, William Childress, Noel Harding, Leandro Katz, Bill Lundberg, Janet Rifkin. John Gibson Gallery, New York, 1979.
•Leandro Katz: Two Projects / A Decade - Museo del Barrio, New York, 1996
Techstos & Photos - M.A.M.B.A., Argentina, 2003
Cámara Emplumada - CCEBA, Argentina, 2007
Raptures, Diagonals and Ruptures - Catalogue (2013)
The Seagull's Footprint - Catalogue (2017)
Proyecto para el día que me quieras y la danza de fantasmas - Catalogue (2018)

Bibliografía Relacionada (Inglés y Español)
Six Years: The Dematerialization of the Art Object from 1966 to 1972 - Lucy Lippard - The University of California Press
•Conceptual Art: A Critical Anthology
- Alexander Alberro and Blake Stimson, The MIT Press
•Flyktpunkter : Vanishing points -
Essay by Ted Castle, Moderna museet, Stockholm, Sweden, 1984
•This is not a photograph: Twenty years of large-scale photography, 1966-1986
, The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Florida
•The Latin American Spirit: Art and Artists in the United States, 1920 - 1970. Bronx Museum of the Arts, New York, Abrams, 1989
The Decade Show: Frameworks of Identity in the 1980s - New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, 1990
•Twentieth-Century Art of Latin America
- Jacqueline Barnitz -The University of Texas Press
•Art and Social Change in Latinamerica and the US
- Shifra Goldman - The University of Chicago Press
•Artist/Author: Contemporary Artists' Books
- Cornelia Lauf and Clive Phillpot, The American Federation of Arts, 1998
•Shadows, Specters and Shards
: Making History in Avant-Garde Films - Jeffrey Skoller - University of Minnesota Press

Cuban Palimpsests - José Quiroga - University of Minnesota Press

No Sabe / No Contesta: Prácticas Fotográficas desde America Latina - Rodrigo Alonso, editor - Ediciones Arte x Arte
LEAN-DROKA-TZ - Ana Longoni, Jesse Lerner, Mariano Mestman - Colección Conceptual, Fundación Espigas / Fundación Telefónica
The Art of Typewriting- Ruth and Marvin Sackner - Thames & Hudson, 2015
14 Artistas - Berta Sichel - Athenaica - Madrid

*Viewing Photography in Post-Dictatorship Latin America: Visual Interruptions, 1997-2016 - David Rojinsky - Palgrave/MacMillan

Colecciones Públicas:
•The Ruth and Marvin Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry, Miami, Florida
A Human Document: Selections from the Sackner Archive PAMM
(Perez Art Museum Miami)
The Arts of the Book Collection at Yale University - Sterling Memorial Library New Haven, CT
•The Museum of Modern Art -Artists' Books Collection, and Latin American Art Collection New York

•Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, MAMBA
•Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas, Austin
The Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities - Santa Monica, California
•The Houghton Library, Rare Book Collection, Harvard University - Massachusetts
•Yale University Libraries, Arts of the Book Collection - New Haven, CT
Museo Nacional Reina Sofía - Madrid Spain
Blanton Museum of Art - Austin, Texas
Getty Research Center - Los Angeles, California

TVRT Books

El Triángulo Rotador Evanescente
La Lengua Viperina

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Libros de artista de Latinoamérica - Martha Helion - en Printed Matter

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